Monday, March 1, 2010

Little Accomplishments

With a 3 year age gap between my chitlin's it's hard for me to remember a lot about the first year and even the second. Going through it all a second time has opened my eyes to how wonderful the first year can be. We've already been through some great milestones such as the first smile, the first laugh/coo, sitting up, first meal, all that good stuff. However, now were getting into the "real" awesome milestones. While Ryder's been "scooting" all over the family room honing the nick name "Scooter" for a while now, today I officially saw a real crawl!!!!! This is especially neat to see because Gracie never "crawled". She defiantly got around but she did this half attempt at a real crawl where she would keep one foot out in the event she would need to get back on her bum, because she never quite figured out how to do that from her tummy, she than quickly walked and that was that. Ryder though, has mastered getting on to his bum from virtually any position. It defiantly hasn't been all that helpful with his new sleeping situation, but were trying to figure it out.

Anyway, seeing him wave, crawl, figure out the snack trap and eat Cheerios' from it, turning the pages in a book, saying some real words (we are all Dada these days) it is just amazing to me that these completely helpless creatures turn so quickly into the children they are growing to be! It is truly amazing and I love to watch his transformation almost everyday! While it is a bit bittersweet, watching him grow makes me happy and fulfilled that I hopefully will raise a great little human being. Especially in that first year, when there is not a whole lot of discipline, not a whole lot of "parenting" just love and fun and enjoyment of seeing them grow so rapidly! I hate that he's growing up so fast but for now, it's so much fun to watch his accomplishments and marvel at his incredibleness!!!!


  1. That's so sweet & perfectly your little boy. I Love your family :)

  2. Love the picture of the 2 of them! So cute, and Gracie's hair is ADORABLE! :) I am excited for all those "firsts" too!

  3. oh my goodness, i can't believe he is crawling! He is getting so big! So cute!
