Ryan has grown up going camping at
Pinecrest. We have also made it a tradition since before we were married. We took Gracie when she was just under 1 and now we have had the privilege of going again this year to take Ryder in his first year! So much fun!!! But whhhheeeeewwww, camping is a LOT of work!!!! I felt like we prepared and packed for longer than we were actually there! Next time we are going camping, we added a day, hopefully this will make it feel a little more relaxed!!!! Never the less, it is always fun sitting at the lake and chillin'. They also have outdoor movies and this year, among others, they were playing Toy Story 3!!!!! Yep, that's right, so cool!!!!! We totally went and for Ryan and Gracie it was their second time to see it but they didn't' mind one bit!! My sister Amanda and brother Zeke also came up for one night which was so good to see and hang out with them. They live super close and we had just spent the night before at my Mom's to get an early start to our trip. You can read about that
here. Overall it was a great trip, nobody got eaten by bears and we spent time together, always cherished!!!!

Gracie helping Daddy "cook"

Ryder, oh geez, what can I say, here he was doing what he does best. Note that we were "trying" to keep him somewhat clean with that tarp, but as soon as he saw something of interest, there he went, off the tarp and everywhere but!!!

My beautiful baby, no, she's not nakie, she has her bathing suit bottom on under there. This was a rope they found at our campsite that kept them busy for a while!!!

I captured this great shot after Ryan whispered, go take a picture of your Boy!!!! He was pooped and just stopped to take a breather, long enough for me to snap it!!

Here is Gracie and I at the lake!

Daddy and Ryder

Daddy and Gracie
We take this same picture every year that we've gone to Pinecrest and we have them hanging in consecutive order in our hall, it has definitely become tradition!

This one will replace Ryan and Gracie alone in that photo!

This one was cute too!

The kiddos and me!

Eating hamburgers!

Eating, anything!!!!

So this year I tried something different. I was talking to a neighbor who also frequents Pinecrest, and she was telling me that they pre-make things and then freeze it. This not only saves time but you can use the frozen meals as ice in your cooler!!! So thrifty!!!! Anyway, this is a veggie and chicken meatball concoction that I made before we left and we just heated it up, made some rice (on the left there) and it was yummy!!!!

It wasn't that cold to have a campfire, but we had to do smore's!!!

This is also a ritual that we have done when we go camping. Gotta get the shot of the kid's (and usually Bubba but those one's were all not good) in front of the camp site number.

Sibling Love!

Geesh, we have a lot of ritual!! This is yet another one, the family shot on the table at the site!