A. keep her at her 2 day a week schedule and hope that it will be enough to prepare her physically, mentally all that for the big 1st day of Kindergarten? Or....
B. move her all together to a school with a more flexible schedule therefore fulfilling our plan of having her go 3 days a week.
As you can imagine, both these come with a lot of considerations; money, a big one, considering the time right now; moving her away from all she knows in a school, teachers, friends, schedule, etc.; and finally, our comfortability with all this!
It has been on my mind a lot lately and trying to decide what is best is really tough. I am reminded that she is adaptable and will probably be just fine in whatever we decide to do and that God too will provide in whatever decision we make. I just fear that these decisions only get harder and more important as time moves forward. I can't imagine having this very conversation in about oh let's say 14 years about choosing COLLEGE!!!! Oy vay!!!
We have decided for her to go to another preschool starting in the summer and then continuing through fall of this year into the following spring. I'm still struggling with the decision and worrying financially how we will make it work. But, time will tell and nothing is permanent, so all we can do now is see what the future will hold and try to remember that this is only the beginning!
I know that y'all will make the right and best decision for Gracie in the end! Praying for y'all!