A little sneak peak into the lives of Ryan, Michele, Gracie, Ryder and of course Bubba. We may be silly, we may be crazy, but we love each other will all our hearts here at The Reed Ranch

Friday, April 23, 2010
How priceless is a photo?
Saturday, April 10, 2010
10 on 10:April
9:00a.m. Started my Saturday at work (boo for work, yeah for $)!
12:00p.m. This was my pathetic excuse for a lunch! I often don't get breaks on busy Saturday's but I managed to much on this mangled apple that was at the bottom of my bag!
2:00 p.m. This is the image I see all to often when I'm away from my sweet baby boy. My pump! (By the way, I know I screwed up the timing, I'm just getting used to this, give me a break!)
3:00p.m. I got a chance from my coupon I have through Our Town Hostess to meet a wonderful new client Denise. Here is the color I used on her!
4:00p.m. I had to wash out Denise and my go to shampoo and conditioner is always Nicolas.
5:00p.m. This is by far my favorite hour yet, coming HOME!!!! I had the camera ready to capture what I saw when I walked through the door. I look forward to those first few steps when I come home from work 3 days a week, and this was definatly a great way to show what I see, minus Paul and Nate, they usually don't greet me when I'm coming home from work, but he was graciously helping Ryan hook up this music thingy, so, there they were!!!
6:00p.m. This was my yummy dinner that my house husband made for us! Thanks Bucky!
7:00p.m. My 5th and final dose of Azithromycin for my ear infection! Antibiotics ROCK! I finally feel "normal" again after 2 1/2 weeks!!!